AI generated blog post

I asked Bing Chat to “blog post on the BME-280 use on a raspberry pi using mqtt to home assistant”, here is the result: but first python3 board as it is loaded om my pi4 does not show board.SCL, board.SDA  …. On to the AI

In this blog post, I will show you how to use the BME-280 sensor on a Raspberry Pi to measure temperature, humidity and pressure, and send the data to Home Assistant via MQTT. The BME-280 is a low-cost, high-accuracy sensor that can be easily connected to the Raspberry Pi using the I2C interface. Home Assistant is a popular open-source platform for home automation that can integrate with various devices and services. MQTT is a lightweight messaging protocol that allows devices to communicate with each other over a network.

To follow this tutorial, you will need:

– A Raspberry Pi with Raspbian OS and internet connection
– A BME-280 sensor module
– Some jumper wires and a breadboard
– A Home Assistant instance running on another device or in the cloud
– An MQTT broker such as Mosquitto

The steps are:

1. Connect the BME-280 sensor to the Raspberry Pi using the I2C interface. You can follow this guide for the wiring diagram and the commands to enable I2C on the Raspberry Pi:
2. Install the Adafruit CircuitPython library for the BME-280 sensor on the Raspberry Pi using this command: `sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-bme280`
3. Install the Paho MQTT library for Python on the Raspberry Pi using this command: `sudo pip3 install paho-mqtt`
4. Create a Python script on the Raspberry Pi that reads the sensor data and publishes it to an MQTT topic. You can use this code as a template, but make sure to change the MQTT broker address, username and password to match your settings:

import time
import board
import busio
import adafruit_bme280
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt

# Create library object using our Bus I2C port
i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)
bme280 = adafruit_bme280.Adafruit_BME280_I2C(i2c)

# Change this to match your MQTT broker address, username and password
mqtt_broker = “”
mqtt_user = “user”
mqtt_pass = “pass”

# Create an MQTT client object
client = mqtt.Client()

# Connect to the MQTT broker
client.username_pw_set(mqtt_user, mqtt_pass)

# Loop forever
while True:
# Read the sensor data
temperature = bme280.temperature
humidity = bme280.humidity
pressure = bme280.pressure

# Print the sensor data
print(f”Temperature: {temperature} C”)
print(f”Humidity: {humidity} %”)
print(f”Pressure: {pressure} hPa”)

# Publish the sensor data to an MQTT topic
client.publish(“home/bme280/temperature”, temperature)
client.publish(“home/bme280/humidity”, humidity)
client.publish(“home/bme280/pressure”, pressure)

# Wait for 10 seconds before repeating

5. Run the Python script on the Raspberry Pi using this command: `python3`
6. Configure Home Assistant to receive the MQTT data and display it on the dashboard. You can follow this guide for the instructions:

That’s it! You have successfully used the BME-280 sensor on a Raspberry Pi to measure temperature, humidity and pressure, and send the data to Home Assistant via MQTT. You can now use this data for various automations or notifications in your smart home. I hope you enjoyed this blog post and learned something new.

Published by

Doug Wyman

The first computer I used was an 1962 IBM 1401 and the project was statistical information at JSPC Okinawa (NSA). Then as a civilian I engaged in Telecommunications and Video consulting thru 1974. I was asked to join the WSP Electronic Services Telecommunications and Computer engineering section and stayed till 2000. Then I was asket to work on the WSDOT CVISN project and did till till 2005 then back into retirement. Then WSCTC asked me to act as a consultant to CVISN and I did till 2011. I retired for the third time am learning Debian, Python, PHP and others for the first time. Superannuated but still learning

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